About Us

We offer 15 hours Early Years Free Entitlement which is available for all children commencing the term after their third birthday.  We also offer the Working Parent Entitlement funded places, if applicable.  Enquires regarding FEET funded placeas for 2 year olds are welcome.

Stepping Stones Curriculum

All children follow The Early Years Foundation Stage.  This curriculum continues when a child starts school and is completed during the last term of Reception Class.

The EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) is broken down into seven areas of learning: Prime Areas being Personal, Social & Emotional, Communication & Language and Physical Development and the Specific Areas being Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts & Design.

Tapestry (Online Learning Journals)

At Stepping Stones we use Tapestry, a secure online learning journal,  to record photos and observations in line with the EYFS to build up a record of a child’s time with us. This system allows us to work with parents and carers to share information on children’s progress and record their learning and development through play and focus activities.

Parents and carers will create their own log in password and use their email and password to view their own  child’s observations and progress.  Parents are welcome to add comments and observations of their own.

Outdoor learning

We have access to an enclosed garden area which the children use daily in all weathers. Children are encouraged to free flow from the large downstairs hall into the garden.

Milford Baptist Church

Stepping Stones Nursery School is a charity run Nursery School with a Christian ethos that comes under the umbrella of Milford Baptist Church. The Nursery's Management Committee consists of Church members and nursery parents. The children enjoy regular visits from church trustees to share stories and singing.

If you would like to learn more about Milford Baptist Church please visit their website https://www.milfordbaptistchurch.org.uk/